Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Effective communication skills are essential when facilitating Essay
Powerful relational abilities are fundamental when encouraging learning for medical attendants and customers. With refernce to your zone of clinical practice, basically dis - Essay Example It isn't simply enough to recognize the overwhelming idea of correspondence challenges in nursing. The preparation ought to have techniques set up to guarantee that the attendants are prepared and prepared to meat the difficulties of their vocation. This will require an assessment of present preparing and practice of nursing profession in the light of critical writing regarding the matter. This will normally bring about the requirement for subjective changes in the territory of preparing and practice of nursing calling. It is a great idea to have a review of the idea of human correspondence to comprehend its wide ramifications in fruitful medicinal services practice and its specific significance in psychological wellness care. All medicinal services includes a considerable measure of correspondence. There are three principle parts during the time spent correspondence. They are the sender, the message and the beneficiary and the procedure is typically a two path process with the sender and recipient discontinuously changing their jobs between them to react to the messages. During the time spent correspondence the message that is created in the psyche of the sender is coded into a sound, letter, picture or signal and transmitted. The message is comprehended if the beneficiary can translate the message and ready to get a handle on the planned significance of the sender (Ellis 1995). The procedure of human correspondence is unpredictable as it includes both verbal and non-verbal angles. Presently the ac t of social insurance is practiced in a multilingual and multicultural milieu and the requests of current medicinal services undertaking can be overwhelming and nurture should be all around prepared to confront the difficulties of our mind boggling world. The verbal parts of human correspondence are very surely known to an enormous degree and it tends to be gained by the capability in the language utilized in a spot. With regards to the non-verbal parts of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Ultimate Diagnosis Of Diseases Health And Social Care Essay
Biomedical data sciences is a rising field utilizing data engineerings in clinical consideration. This interdisciplinary field connects the clinical and genomic look into by contesting processing machine arrangements ( Mayer, 2012 ) . It is the logical order of using framework diagnostic apparatuses to create calculations for heading, strategy control, assurance conceiving and logical examination of clinical comprehension ( Edward Shortliffe H, 2006 ) . It prompts the advancement of astute calculations that can execute submitted endeavors and do conclusions without human intervention. It centers predominantly around calculations required for use and geting comprehension from the data which recognizes it from other clinical subjects pulling research laborers intrigued by insight securing for skilled frameworks in the biomedical field.Knowledge Discovery ProcedureThe term Knowledge Discovery in databases ( KDD ) has been received for a field of research covering with the programmed fin d of inexplicit data or cognizance inside databases ( Jiawei, et al. , 2008 ) . With the quick turn of events and acknowledgment of informations collection strategies including high throughput sequencing, electronic health records, and grouped imaging methods, the wellbeing consideration industry has aggregated a major entirety of informations. KDD are continuously being applied in health consideration for acquiring enormous perception by putting conceivably important and understandable structures in the database. These structures can be used for more distant research and rating of studies.Stairss in KDD ProcessThe boss test in KDD method is to identify, each piece much as conceivable utile structures from the database. Figure 1.2 shows the stairss in KDD strategy. Fig 1.2 KDD Procedure The general method of occurring and translating structures from informations includes the enduring use of the undermentioned stairss. 1. Facts decision 2. Information purifying and preprocessing 3. Information lessening and projection 4. Reports uncovering 5. Deciphering and estimating mined structures 6. Solidifying found cognitionData excavationData uncovering, a cardinal endeavor in the KDD, plays a cardinal capacity in pull excursion structures. Structures might be â€Å" similitudes †or â€Å" regularities †in the data, â€Å" high-positioning data †or â€Å" insight †inferred by the informations ( Stutz J 1996 ) . The structures found rely on the data removal endeavors applied to the database. Figure 1.2 shows the phases in the data removal method. Figure 1.3 Phases in the data uncovering strategy The phases in the data uncovering strategy to blackmail structures incorporate Building up a fear of the application circle Information geographic undertaking Information preparing Picking the data unearthing calculations Demonstrating Mining structures Translation of structures Assessment of consequences1.2.3 Development of informations excavationData unearthing has advanced more than three subjects viz. insights, unbelievable knowledge ( AI ) and machine securing ( ML ) ( Becher. J. 2000 ) . Measurements frames the base for most engineerings, on which data exhuming is fabricated. The accompanying subject, AI is the specialty of executing human idea like treating to measurable employments. The third one ML can be uncovered as the fellowship of insights and AI. Information removal is essentially the variant of machine larning methods to examine informations and happen prior disguised inclinations or structures inside. Figure 1.4 Development of informations excavation1.2.4 Machine acquisitionML is the build which makes the processing machine plans learn and break down the given informations they study, with the goal that the plans themselves can have the capacity to do various conclusions dependent on the characteristics of the contemplated informations. They have the ability to consequently larn discernment for a fact and different ways ( T, et al. , 2008 ) . They make use of measurements for cardinal develops including further developed AI heuristics and calculations to achieve its finishes. ML has a wide collection of utilizations in health consideration. Clinical assurance emotionally supportive networks are one among them.1.3 Clinical assurance support systemsA clinical assurance emotionally supportive network has been begat as a functioning cognizance frameworks, which utilize at least two purposes of patient informations to deliver case-explicit exhortation [ ] . Clinical assurance emotional ly supportive networks ( CDSS ) help specialists in the assurance concocting method. They give a second slant in naming sicknesses in this manner cut bringing down mix-ups in diagnosing. They help the clinicians in early diagnosing, differential diagnosing and picking appropriate mediation plans without human intercession.Necessity of CDSSThe most significant issue defying a family unit specialist is the ideal diagnosing of the malady. As more intercession choices are accessible it will go logically of import to name them early. Albeit human assurance formulating is every now and again ideal, the turning figure of patients along with cut limitations expands the accentuation and work trouble for the specialists and diminishes the quality consideration offered by them to the patients. Having an adroit close by all clasp to help in assurance concocting is non an executable arrangement. CDSS offers an executable arrangement by back uping specialists with a quick estimation of what the d iagnosing of the patient could be and simplicity to better nosologies in complex clinical territory of affairss.Approachs for CDSSThere are two kinds of assaults for building CDSS, viz. those using information base and illation motor and those using machine larning calculations. ML frameworks are generally best than guideline based frameworks. Table 1.1 shows the contrasts between guideline based and ML based frameworks. Distinction between the two assaults for CDSS Rule based Systems ML based frameworks Synergistic subsequently moderate Non synergistic subsequently quick HR are expected to do guidelines at each measure in assurance formulating technique When the framework is prepared assurance formulating is done naturally without human mediation in this manner rescuing capable HR Information base requires derivation motor for geting cognizance Non perception base learn and update cognizance through experienceML based CDSSML calculations based frameworks are quick and strong for an individual malady. Example affirmation is fundamental for the diagnosing of new infections. ML plays a basic capacity in recognizing structures in the data unearthing technique. It looks for the structures inside the patient database. Looking and recognizing structures in the biochemical region of dismal individuals is extremely pertinent to comprehension of how illnesses show or medications act. This data can be used for sickness bar, malady course, tranquilize find subsequently bettering health consideration and wellbeing care.Requirements of a decent CadmiumThe prognostic open introduction and speculation intensity of CDSS plays a basic capacity in classification of ailments. Regularly high affectability and explicitness is required to oversee out different illnesses. This lessens ensuing indicative processs which causes additional endeavors a nd expenses for differential diagnosing of the illness. Furthermore high prognostic truth, fast handling, results perusing and visual picture of the outcomes are other than obligatory for good demonstrating systems.Common issues for CDSSIn CDSS frameworks assurance concocting can be viewed as a strategy wherein the calculation at each measure chooses a variable, learns and refreshes deduction dependent on the variable and utilizations the new by and large data to pick more distant factors. Sadly discovering which succession conveys the most demonstrative data is hard on the grounds that the figure of potential arrangements taking to redress diagnosing is huge. Picking great factors for order is a goal-oriented endeavor. Another reasonable activity starting from the CDSS is handiness of essential example of patients with an affirmed diagnosing. In the event that there were sufficient example from the number of inhabitants in given malady it is conceivable to occur out arranged types of the properties in the example. The proposal tends to these two occupations individually.Organization of the thesisThe proposition is partitioned into 10 sections Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Literature reappraisal Section 3: Motivation and points of the work Section 4: Knowledge based examination of administered larning calculations in illness detecting Section 5: SVM based CSSFFS Feature decision calculation for watching chest harmful neoplastic sickness Section 6: A Hybrid Feature Selection Method dependent on IGSBFS and NaA?ve Bayes for the Diagnosis of Erythemato †Squamous Diseases Section 8: A Combined CFS †SBS Approach for Choosing Predictive Genes to Detect Colon Cancer Section 9: A Hybrid SPR_Naive Bayes Algorithm to pick marker cistrons for watching harmful neoplastic sickness Section 10: Hegs calculation Section 11: LNS Semi Supervised Learning Algorithm for Detecting Breast Cancer Section 12: Decision and future sweetening.DrumheadChapter 2Literature reappraisalOverview of Machine larningMachine larning frameworks in wellbeing attentionAs clinical data frameworks in current hospitals and clinical foundations increased and bigger it causes more prominent difficulties. The data base is more for illness detecting. Clinical examination using machine larning strategies has been executed for the last two decennaries. It has been demonstrated that the advantages of introducing machine larning into clinical investigation are to increment symptomatic truth, to reduce down expenses and to chop down HR. The clinical circles where ML has been utilized are diagnosing of intense a ruptured appendix [ 27 ] , diagnosing of dermatological sickness [ 28 ] , diagnosing of female urinary incontinency [ 29 ] , diagnosing of thyroid ailments [ 30 ] , happening c
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Pack Like The Minimalists
Pack Like The Minimalists Were on the road for ten months this year (2014), touring and filming a documentary. Still, we packed lightâ€"just one carry-on each. (We are The Minimalists, after all.) But some of the things we packed might surprise you. Our friend, director Matt DAvella, filmed this short video to give curious parties a peek at our packing regime. Enjoy. (UPDATE 07/28/17: Exciting news! The Getaway, the duffle bag created by Malcolm Fontier that is featured in the video, has not been available for several years, but, thanks to the significant interest yall have shown in it, it will soon be relaunched as a new and improved bagâ€"the Pakt One. Youll find the story of this new collaboration between The Minimalists and Malcolm Fontier, along with details on how to get your own, here. ) Cant see the above video, watch it on YouTube.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Henry David Thoreau A Transcendentalist - 1438 Words
Henry David Thoreau: A Transcendentalist Religion and politics are perhaps the most important topics of discussion, and paradoxically, the ones least discussed. Our differences cause us to shy away from such depth in our conversations with others and it is a remarkable human being who can share her opinion honestly on the subjects, and even more so, transcend the current popular opinions of the time. Henry David Thoreau was a man such as this. He spoke out against an unjust society and challenged the comforts and distractions that society has become so accustomed to. He preached simplicity in daily life and peace in protest. His words of wisdom have influenced many great leaders since. Thoreau’s call for social reform, individualistic†¦show more content†¦It is here where he met Ralph Waldo Emerson and began attending Hedge Club meetings in Emerson’s home (Olson, pg. 8), and history manifested to create the two fathers of Transcendentalism. It is interesting that with the growth of Roman Catholicism and Christianity in general in America during this time, Emerson, a Unitarian minister, looked to the East for spiritual guidance; particularly to Hinduism. This wasn’t always the case, as early in his life, Emerson was dedicated to the Church and expressed animosity toward Eastern religion. The transcendental movement shared many beliefs with the Unitarian church, but digressed from the belief in the Trinity and a beneficent God toward an amalgam of the many different approaches and ideas of the time. It is later in his journals that Emerson quotes Hindu scripture and expresses interest in the Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavad Purana, and Upanishads, among other scriptures. Both Vedantic tradition and Emerson’s philosophies emphasize that, â€Å"self transcendence is central to self-actualization,†and that, â€Å"without transcending the passional ego, the true self cannot be revealed†(Versluis, pg. 67). It was thinking such as this that was at the heart of the transcendental movement in the 19th century. Gura (pg. 6) explains that during this period, transcendentalism was split between two ideologies. There were those that followed Emerson, such as Thoreau, who promoted introspection and being one with Nature, and another
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Lets Love Sport - 876 Words
Let’s love sport As we know playing sport is a good habit that most of the people love it. What is the meaning of the sport? The answer is clear; sport means the regular movement of the limbs of the body in a proper manner. Every day we can encounter with people who play sport but how many percent of those people know the real effect of doing exercise in their body? Absolutely many of them seem not to know the effects. Actually many people don’t realize the benefits and importance of sport. Sport especially your favorite sport gives lots of benefits. The most important benefits of doing exercise on person are physical and psychological effect in a positive way. One of the most well-known positive effects of physical exercise on person†¦show more content†¦According to many researches which have been done by scientists, we can prove the importance of sport for our health because 70% middle aged people who didn’t do sport in their youth are now faced with the serious problems such as hypertension and they may have difficulty in blood circulation furthermore they become tired easily in early ages due to the lack of doing exercise. The other benefit of doing sport is psychological effect on individual as it increases mental strength. First of all, playing sport increases motivation of individuals positively. To illustrate this, doing sport effects on feeling of persons in a good way and of course they may feel reborn after finishing their exercise. By doing sport person ‘stress will decrease and it may affect her/his job or university life positively. Furthermore, playing sport increase confidence of the person during working. A clear example is about me, sport changed my life positively and I can see good sides of life more than other sides. I started playing sport (KONG FU) when I was 5 years old. I saw my motivation for doing my home works was higher than my classmates. I had more confidence during exam because I learnt via sport how I can control my mental power to decrees my stress during exams and how can I cope with problems easily. I could pay more effort to do my assignments more than other stude nts and also my competitive spirit was stronger thanShow MoreRelatedMy Family Essay1545 Words  | 7 Pagesdiffer from person to person. To me, family consists of people who you love, trust and care for. I also consider some of my friends and teammates in this category as well. Family and friends, sports, and my health are the main components of my life. 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On the other hand, though there is one major complication that stops people from playing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), CTE is caused from multiple blows to the head and in the sport of football each hit is the magnitude of a car crash it leads to people going crazy and possibly even death; but is that a chance you are willing to take would you let your son or daughter play football I would because t here areRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life1317 Words  | 6 Pagesreally a good reason that motivated me to continue my education after graduating with a degree in Public Health Education. The mere thought of more school exhausted me. Though my mentality seemingly changed, one thing that cannot be denied is my love for the game of basketball, which has been almost cruelly ignored until recently. The countless times trying to live without it has led to me not feeling not quite as upbeat as usual. Even when things were going right in my life, that extra bounceRead MoreSexism in Sports Essay1257 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent work environments for quite some time. It especially raises big conversation, and an ongoing problem in the sports industry. Not only does it affect the women who work in the industry, but also homosexuals, and minorities. For so long sexism has been a topic of discussion, but no real attempts at change have been made. If there was more protection for wo man and players who work in sports, it could help to get women more involved in the field, establish rules that will protect people from sexismRead MoreDefining Happiness Is Hard For Some People846 Words  | 4 Pageshappy: love, doing what you love, and finding happiness within oneself. True happiness comes from enjoying the things one has and taking advantage of the people who love and support you. A quote by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. says, â€Å"Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own.†In this way, love can bring happiness to all people, as it is found universally. Many people find their happiness through love because they are very happy with that certain special person. Love and happinessRead MoreA Brief Note On Self Concept And Perception925 Words  | 4 Pagespart for your car, clothing, a shot glass, a sports patch and a book all found in my house represent who we are as individuals and create our self-concept of our selves. Maybe that’s why the show hoarders is so popular as I figured people build memories and an identity to such items leading to people to never let go of the past. For my Me Poster project the first item I choose was a turbo picture, it is a new garret 6tw3476r. I would actually love to bring in a real sized turbo but I figuredRead MorePlaying A Sport Is Tough Enough As It Is, Things Such As1218 Words  | 5 PagesPlaying a sport is tough enough as it is, things such as training, potential for injuries, mental preparation and making sure the team reaches their full potential are all factors. Now, imagine not feeling like a part of that team because of the person you want to love. I was fortunate enough to be able to get a first hand look into what being a gay athlete is like. My ex teammate and friend Ryan Houchen, great athlete, even better person. Ryan himself is a homosexual athlete, he played hockey forRead MoreThe Absolute Sweet Life Of Nolan Ryan Skurat1058 Words  | 5 PagesNolan had always had a passion for sports. He had played just about all the sports you could think besides lacrosse and hockey. Those are some pretty swe et sports though. Nolan was very interested in football at a young age. He had played for mid rivers and played for o fallon, these little league teams were pretty good winning the renegade rumble on both teams.After the years had passed he decided after getting a knee injury to take a break and look elsewhere in sports and see what he is good at. In
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
People migrate to America Free Essays
Reading Amy Tan’s â€Å"Two Kinds†for the first time is confusing. The message is not quite clear until one studies the context of the story. The story deals with immigrants and the American expectation for success, but primarily of a daugthters relationship to her mother. We will write a custom essay sample on People migrate to America or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Two Kinds†tells the story of Jing-mei and her mother. Jing-mei’s mother migrated to America after â€Å"losing everything in China. †When she was young, Jing-mei’s mother told her the potential o being successful in America. â€Å"You can be a prodigy,†her mother says. Her mother had given Jing-mei piano lessons such that her talents will show. Eventhough Jing-mei recognizes that she has the talent, she refuses to give herself into it because she felt a sense of rebellion inside her. She was not able to show her true talents because of her own shortcomings. In the end her mother gives up her hopes for her daughter. The conflict lies within Jing-mei. She wants to be something else and at the same time she wants just to be herself. She was at first just as excited to find her prodigy. But she felt the pressure coming from her mother and at the same time she felt impatient for it. Her mother. however, tried to impose to her what she cannot be. â€Å"I won’t let her change me,†she tells herself in the mirror. Once she found out her inclination, she refused to pursue and sharpen it partly because of her defiance towards her mother. Her mother, on the other hand, acted the way she did because of her dream of success. People migrate to America in search of greener pastures, but scholars believe that what the immigrants could not achieve they pass to their sons or daughters. Jing-mei was a victim of such circumtance. Although, it was also the intention of her mother to see her daughter succeed in life, Jing-mei felt she’s being pushed to something she’s not. Jing-mei did not see that her mother had deep faith in her. Many years had passed before Jing-mei realized her mother’s attempt to bring out her â€Å"prodigy†and found her true self. She had already realized her â€Å"prodigy†during the piano recital but she remained defiant. Even during her lessons, she knew she could be good at it, even become great with it. But she did not will it to happen. At her recital, she was confident she could do it, but because she did not take her lessons seriously, it ended shamefully for her and for her parents. When she grew old, her parents gave her as a gift the piano her mother bought for her when she was young. She was at first reluctant to accept it. Her mother explained: â€Å"this your piano†¦ Always your piano. You only one can play†¦ You have natural talent. You could be a genius if you want to. †Jing-mei found the gift as a peace offering. It gave her a chance to try again without feeling that she was doing it for the benefit of someone else. Playing it again, she found it easy enough to prove her mother had been right. In the end of the story where Jing-mei played the piano after some years without doing so, she played the â€Å"Pleading Child,†the same piece she played unsuccessfully during the recital. She also noticed for the first time the piece on the opposite side entitled â€Å"Perfectly Contented. †Jing-mei understood that she was playing two halves of the same song, and it reflected her feelings. She was the pleading child and when she realized her mother’s intentions and trust to her, she became perfectly contented. The story’s moral runs two ways. First is with the parents not to push their sons or daughters too hard as to give them a hard time. They are, after all, just children who does not understand the real world. Second is for the children to be obedient to their parents, for parents only want what is best for their children. A jing-mei’s mother expressed: â€Å"Only two kinds of daughters†¦ Those who are obedient and those who follow their own mind. †It was unfortunate that Jing-mei did not realize that her internal conflict did not arise from her mother’s expectations but from the love and faith her mother had for her until her mother had already died. The story also points that one’s â€Å"prodigy†lies in the person’s will to succeed. Jing-mei’s failure at the recital was because she lacked the will to succeed, and at the same time, her rebeliousness towards her mother. It could be said as well that had her mother not pushed her too hard, Jing-mei could have done better and she would have pursued it at her own will. I was not able to recognize the message the first time I read the story, most especially the connection of the piano pieces mentioned at the end: the â€Å"Pleading Child†and â€Å"Perfectly Contented. †But after reading it again and researching the context of the story, I came to appreciate it as giving lessons to parents and children. At the same time, the story also points to the importance of will power to the success of a person. Defiance blinds us that even when we recognize our own strenghts and weaknesses, we sometimes refuse to let it show just to prove that others are wrong. We tell ourselves â€Å"I am who I am†without really knowing who we really are. But the beauty of it all is that at the end of the day, we will come to realize our own shortcomings when left to find who we really are by ourselves. Summing up the lesson given by the story, it is best to be both kinds: the kind that is obedient towards one’s parents and the kind that follows one’s own heart. It may not always be the case but, usually, once parents find out their child’s talents, they can’t help but enforce it, which, in the end, is best for the child. Show what you got and your parents will surely back you up. Works Cited Tan, Amy. â€Å"Two Kinds. †How to cite People migrate to America, Essays
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Key Strategies of the Business Strategy of Equal Exchange
Questions: 1. What are the key elements of Equal Exchanges strategy? Which of the five generic strategies is the company pursuing? How has the cooperative integrated corporate social responsibility into its business strategy? 2. What are Equal Exchanges competitively important resources and capabilities? Which of its resources have the greatest competitive power? Are any of its resources and capabilities able to pass all four VRIN tests for sustainable competitive advantage? Explain. 3. What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Equal Exchanges ability to seize market opportunities and nullify external threats? Explain. Answers: 1. The key strategy of the business strategy of Equal Exchange are- The company wanted to change its purchasing habits, which is from traditional to modern approach. It also educates its consumer about its product and the source and factor of its production. It focuses on encouraging its consumers to buy the fair trade products from the company. It adopted various marketing strategies to promote and expand its business. The five generic strategies pursued by the company are- Maintain a cost leadership strategy. Adopt a wide differentiation strategy. Adopt a focused differentiation strategy. Maintain a differentiation strategy. Define the best cost provider strategy (Campbell, Edgar and Stonehouse, 2011). Corporate social responsibility of a company means that the company should not only maintain its profitability position but also practice its business practices morally and ethically. The main aim of corporate social responsibility in Equal Exchange is to provide high quality and fine products to its customers. Some of the objectives of CSR are- Maintain long run trading relationships. Make payment of wages and fair prices. Prevent child labor and forced labor. Develop gender equality, workplace non-discrimination. Maintain proper working hours and safe working conditions. Develop transparency and traceability (Reuvid, 2011). 2. The important resources and capabilities of Equal Exchange helps the company gets an edge competitively. While comparing the financial performance of the company with its competitor Thanksgiving Coffee, the income statements and balance sheets are compared. The operations of Equal Exchange are much bigger than Thanksgiving Coffee with its sales and costs is quite high and so is the net profit. Some of the resources of Equal Exchange, which has the maximum competitive power, are its total sales revenue, net profit, stockholders equity and fixed assets. The resources of the company can be used to expand its business with the introduction of new products like tea and chocolate. It also expanded its business, by providing ecotourism to cacao or coffee growing zones. As per the VRIN tests the resources and capabilities of the company are- Valuable- This is to provide better value in respect to sales and costs. Rare- The resources are not rare in sense of demand. Inimitable- It cannot be imitable. No substitutable- The resources can be substituted by other resources (Chevalier-Roignant and Trigeorgis, 2011). 3. SWOT analysis of Equal Exchange are- Strength- Equal Exchange is successful in earning a double-digit revenue growth in coming years. Weakness- The change in the economy due to recession has affected the company adversely. Opportunity- Equal Exchange is using the opportunity of offering new products and services in the fair trade industry. This will help the company expand its business and remain a consistent business approach, which complies with its mission to maintain its profitability and its social responsibility to its customers, suppliers and farmers. Threats- The three threats of Equal Exchange which the company needs to handle efficiently are- 1. Prevent farmer exploitation. 2. Develop the poor US working conditions. 3. Need to improve consumer awareness (, 2015). References Campbell, D., Edgar, D. and Stonehouse, G. (2011).Business strategy. Houndsmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Chevalier-Roignant, B. and Trigeorgis, L. (2011).Competitive strategy. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press., (2015).Create Advantage | Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Jul. 2015]. Reuvid, J. (2011).Business insights. London: Kogan Page.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Up Country Essays - Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Carl Grimes, Up
Up Country Essays - Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Carl Grimes, Up Up Country Up Country In his novel Up Country, Alden R. Carter writes about how hard life is for children in the adolescent era by portraying the actions off Carl Staggers, a teenager surviving his mothers alcoholism and his car radio thief ring gone to disarray. Carl is a tragic hero who rambles through this time period by trying to make things right. He is also accompanied by characters close to him as the novel progresses. Carl is a young man with great hopes and dreams to become an electrical engineer. The problem is that he and his mother are deeply in debt, and Veronica Staggers, Carls mother, is an alcoholic who is brought home by the cops almost every week. Carl has the bright idea to use an opportunity that arose to earn money to go to a good technical college and earn a degree in electrical engineering. In this little opportunity, Carl repairs stolen stereos that he receives from his partner in crime, changes the serial number, and places the stereo into a company box for resale. Although this seems like the perfect crime, something goes terribly wrong with his admirable plan and Carl gets busted for the radios along with all of the other juveniles helping him. Ironically he was busted for the car audio equipment because of his mother who was thrown in a detox center for her alcohol abuse. Therefore, Carl was sent up country to stay with his aunt, uncle, and cousin whom he hasnt seen for a little over eight years. Thats when all of the trouble starts, including a run in with the local redneck bully and his girlfriend. On a good note while staying with his secondary family, he meets a wonderful country girl with whom he ultimately stays with instead of going back to live with his mother, who cleans her self up and moves on with her life. Carl is sentenced to public work and is basically let off easy on the condition that he stay in school and earn that electrical degree. The theme of this story is that even the most least likely person can get what they long for. Carl had always yearned for a stable family. When he was busted and was forced to move in with his aunt and uncle he, at first, dreaded the idea. He was moving in with a family he hadnt seen for eight years! As things moved on, Carl formed a niche in the little town of Blind River. He formed a relationship with his new family and found a girl that he learned to love. In the novella Up Country, examples of irony, a tragic character, and the stereotyped character. Carls cousin Bob who shows the traits of the conventional red-neck, the buck-tooth, improper English, yokel, where Carl himself shows the typical characteristics of the tragic hero. A hero, who through his own choice, was caught up an a series of events that invariably results in disaster. In my opinion this was a great book for any teenager to read. Most teenagers feel that their life is poor, weak, and pathetic, but if only they could take a look at Carls life they could see how hard life can sometimes be. Carl is an exceptional student who works hard for his goals, but he knows he will never reach them because of his home and family. Also most adolescents feel they need to take the wrong path to get what they want. Carl took the wrong path and he ended up with a good and stable family, a girlfriend, and a hope to reach is goal. So I say take the wrong path and maybe you could end up with what Carl had. All things considered, Carl had an extremely hard life with his alcoholic mother. But as you will see, when he got away from her he matured and grew emotionally. He essentially got everything he prayed and wished for. Consider this, if you were in Carls shoes, what would you do? What path would you take? Bibliography none
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, Essay - 1
Site-directed mutagenesis of gene sequences in cells of plants, insects and animals can be achieved in situ used engineered zinc - Essay Example It is now well known that there are many naturally occurring zinc finger motifs, the most common of which is the Cys2His2 or C2H2 zinc finger. This particular motif is made up of 2 antiparallel ?-sheets and an ?-helix that are coordinated by 2 Histidine (his) and 2 Cysteine (cys) residues binding a zinc atom (Figure 1). This binding, plus an inner structural hydrophobic core, stabilizes the secondary structure of the protein. Figure 1. The classic zinc finger protein is made up of approximately 30 amino acids where two cysteine and two histidine residues bind to a zinc atom. The zinc finger proteins are known mediators of metabolic interactions including protein-protein interactions and RNA binding. However, the most known are their roles in DNA sequence-specific binding. From early studies on the classical C2H2 zinc finger, it was found that the zinc finger differed in principle from the other DNA-binding proteins because several zinc fingers can be linked linearly to recognize DNA sequences of varying lengths (Klug, 2005). In contrast, other DNA-binding proteins utilize the symmetry of the double helix. Usually, more than one zinc finger domain participates in binding the DNA. Each zinc finger domain binds to three nucleotide (nt) bases on the major groove of the DNA. The ?-helix, also known as the recognition helix, binds to three or more bases of with specific sequences on the DNA. Since zinc finger proteins could have more than one zinc finger motif, the DNA contacts of adjacent or arrayed zinc fingers could overlap (Iuchi, 2005). Regions that are bound by the zinc fingers are usually spaced at 3 – 5 bp apart. The modular design of the zinc fingers allows it to interact with the DNA at different regions, and allows them to be involved in many DNA interaction reactions. Thus, it is not surprising that the zinc fingers are the most encoded motif in the genome and are very abundant in nature. The highly sequence-specific DNA binding property of zinc fi ngers offered a lot of potential as a tool for regulating gene expression or for manipulating the genome. From the initial basic studies arose the design and engineering of zinc finger proteins for binding specific regions in the DNA, and synthesis of zinc finger nucleases for cutting the DNA at target sites and introduction of changes to the DNA (Davis & Stokoe, 2010; Durai, et. al, 2005). Zinc finger arrays can be engineered to bind long stretches of known regions in the genome and with the ultimate goal of finding cures to notable diseases. Some applications of zinc finger arrays are the inhibition of HIV-1 expression (Reynolds, et al., 2003) and the disruption of herpes simplex virus infection (Papworth, et al., 2003). To emphasize the importance of the zinc finger proteins, an online database was established that compiles information on known (naturally occurring) and engineered zinc fingers and zinc finger arrays (Fu, et al., 2009). Zinc Finger Nucleases A zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) is an engineered restriction enzyme that consists of a zinc finger array designed to recognize specific nucleotide sequences in the DNA, and a non-specific nuclease domain. Usually, the zinc fingers in the array have similar motifs as that of Cys2His2 zinc finger protein. The engineered zinc finger is fused with the cleavage domain of the restriction enzyme FokI endonuclease. Since FokI will cut the DNA only
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Strang Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Strang Steel - Essay Example Gross Profit Margin: This ratio tells the profit of the firm in relation to sales, after the cost of producing the goods is deducted. Over the three years, the gross profit has been declining showing the inefficiency of Strang Steel's operations.Net Profit Margin: This ratio depicts the profit in relation to sales that a firm earns after taking account of all the expenses and taxes. It tells a firm's net income per dollar of sales. The net profit has also been declining over the three years showing that Strang Steel's sales profitability has declined. This could be attributed to the expenses rising steadily over the three years and eating out of the profits.Return on Equity: This ratio shows the return earned on the funds invested by the shareholders of the company. This ratio is also on the decline over the three years showing that the shareholders are getting less and less of their worth and the company is providing weak investment opportunities.Current Ratio: This ratio measures t he firm's ability to meet short-term obligations. It shows the effectiveness of the utilization of current assets to meet short-term liabilities. Strang Steel's current ratio has declined steadily in the three years showing that the current assets are proving less and less useful in meeting the current liabilities and hence the inability of the company to pay its bills. Quick Ratio: This ratio is more conservative in its approach to measuring a firm's liquidity position as it excludes inventories (the least liquid portion of the current assets). This ratio is between currents assets excluding stocks and current liabilities. From the year 2003 to 2004, the quick ratio has increased showing that the firm is efficiently meeting its short-term obligations but from year 2004 to 2005, the ratio has dipped showing the current assets have not been utilized in the proper manner to maintain the rising trend of the previous years. Average Collection Period: This ratio tells us the average number of days that receivables are outstanding before being collected. From the year 2003 to year 2004, the days have risen showing that Strang Steel has a very lenient policy with regard to collecting its receivables and the debtors are taking a long time in paying their dues. Having too many receivables is not good for the money as a lot of money is tied up which could be invested elsewhere. However, from the year 2004 to 2005, the number of days has sharply declined showing the change of the management's policy regarding receivables and the debtors paying up in just 20 days. Inventory Turnover in Days: This ratio illustrates the number of days on average before inventory is turned into accounts receivables through sales. The number of days has declined over the three years showing that Strang Steel has gotten effective each year in turning its inventory into sales. Total Asset Turnover: This ratio shows the relationship of sales to total assets. This ratio has increas
Monday, January 27, 2020
Learning Difficulties Encountered By Efl Students English Language Essay
Learning Difficulties Encountered By Efl Students English Language Essay Recently, listening has gained more and more attention in foreign language learning. In learning a foreign language, it is suggested that the most important step should begin with an effort to listen. (Rubin Thompson, 1994) Listening provides input for learners to make learning occur and listening exercises draw learners attention to new forms in language, such as new vocabulary items. (Rost, 1994) Listening can be regarded as a necessary skill in the diagnosing and preparation of foreign language students and can even be served as a good predictor of language achievement. In consequence, listening comprehension acts as a pivotal role in foreign language learning. (Oxford, 1993) In this essay, three issues are discussed. Issue 1 states listening difficulties in second language acquisition. Underwood (1994), Chiang and Dunkel (1992) and Rubin and Thompson (1994)s viewpoint are discussed. Issue 2 proposes taxonomies of the factors affecting listening difficulties. Boyle (1984), Yagang (1993) and Rubin (1994) s point of view of the factors affecting listening comprehension are referred to. Issue 3 mentions studies in listening difficulties of L2 listeners in foreign countries. Tauroza and Allisons (Rubin, 1994) study is about speech rate. Boyle (1984)s study is factors most frequently mentioned in listening comprehension. Lynch (1997)s study is a case study of a intermediate-level learners progress in listening comprehension. Goh (2000)s study discusses listening comprehension problems. BODY Chapter 1 Listening difficulties in second language acquisition Underwoods (1994) point of view ¼Ã… ¸ Underwood (1994) identified seven potential difficulties in listening comprehension as: (1) lack of control over the speed at which speakers speak, (2) not being able to get things repeated, (3) the listeners limited vocabulary, (4) failure to recognize the signals, (5) problems of interpretation, (6) inability to concentrate, (7) established learning habits. Many language learners believe that the greatest difficulty with listening comprehension is that the listener cannot control how quickly a speaker speaks. (p7) They feel that the utterances disappear before they can sort them out. They are so busy working out the meaning of one part of what they hear that they miss the next part. Another difficulty is that listener is not always in a position to get the speaker to repeat an utterance. This is particularly likely to be the case when students are on the edge of conversation outside the classroom. For people listening to a foreign language, an unknown word can be like a suddenly dropped barrier causing them to stop and think about the meaning of the word and thus making them miss the next part of the speech (p 17). And students need to learn to listen for the signals in order to be able to connect the various utterances in the way the speaker intended them to be connected. (p18) Students who are unfamiliar with the context may have considerable difficulty in interpreting the words they hear even if they can understand their surface meaning. (p19). Inability to concentrate can be caused by a number of things, but in listening work it is a major problem, because ev en the shortest break in attention can seriously impair comprehension. (p19) Outside factors may well make concentration difficult, too. An inferior machine or poor recording can make it very hard for the students. As for establishing leaning habits, when the learner can more readily accept the frustrations involved, he will be more prepared to strive for a partial and incomplete understanding of what is being said. (pp16-19) Rubin and Thompsons (1994) point of view Rubin and Thompson list three common problems in learning to listen to a foreign language. The first problem is that the speaker talks too fast. If the listener can not follow the speaker, the listener can let the speaker know that he is not following. He can ask for repetition and slowing down the speed, seeks clarification, rephrase, and repeat. The listener can pay attention to intonation and tone of voice, focus on question words such as who, what and when and assume that the here and now are relevant. That is, the sentence is directly related to the subject they have just been discussing. Assume that what a person says is directly related to something he or she is experiencing at that very minute. The second problem is that the listener is not getting anything out of foreign language TV and movies. If the listener could not understand the foreign language TV and movies, they should try to take control of his listening by predicting what he was likely to hear. For example, use vi sual clues and use his background knowledge. Anticipate information in a segment by relying on your knowledge of what such a segment is likely to contain. Listeners could also use information from the segment itself and determine the genre of the segment. Knowing the genre of a segment will help you determine how best to approach it. For instance, if it is an interview, then concentrate on the questions. If it is a news report, a who, when, where strategy will work best. If it is a drama, look for the story line. Listeners could listen to familiar elements, listen to familiar-sounding words, listen to and jot down repeated words, learn to recognize numbers and learn to recognize proper names. The third problem is that the listener tends to stop listening when he hears an unfamiliar word or phrase. Many learners, particularly in the early stages of language learning, panic and lose their concentration when they hear an unfamiliar segment. As a result, they miss portions of the passag e that might have helped clarify the unfamiliar word or segment. The listener should concentrate on familiar elements and keep listening. Understanding something is better than getting nothing at all. If you continue listening, chances are that you will comprehend at least some parts of the massage. It is possible that the portions you missed were not very important after all. Chiang and Dunkels (1992) point of view Chiang and Dunkel (1992) pointed out that listeners comprehension in English may be thwarted by a number of cognitive and linguistic factors as well as academic and cultural issues, including: (a) inability or lack of opportunity to engage in communicative interaction with the second/foreign language teacher or lecture; (b) inability to detect the main points of the lecture or to grasp the usual goals of particular genres of discourse situation of which the discourse is a part; (c) unfamiliarity with the structure and type of the discourse ; (d) inability to apprehend discourse markers and logical relationships in the English lecture; (e) inability to comprehend lecture speech delivered at faster rates of speed; (f) limited short-term memory for English input; (g) failure to use appropriate cognitive or learning strategies; (h) poor inference abilities in English; (i) limited proficiency in English; (j) lack of prior knowledge about the content of the spoken or written text; and (k) inability to process L2 input devoid of speech modification such as elaborations or redundancies. Of these difficulties confronting L2 learners, Chiang and Dunkel explored the effect of three of them. The first situation was when the listeners had limited listening proficiency in English, the second situation was when they lacked prior knowledge about the topic of the L2 lecture, and the third situation was when they were not supplied with modified speech. The results revealed a significant interaction between prior knowledge and text type. Chapter 2 Taxonomy of the factors affecting L2 listening difficulties Boyles (1984) three categories of factors Boyle (1984) began with a survey of the factors most frequently mentioned in the literature on listening comprehension, including three categories of factors. The first category referred to the listener factors, including experience in listening to the target language, general background knowledge of the world, educational background and type of school, knowledge of the target language in its various aspects, memory, powers of analysis and selection and motivation and attitude of the listener to the speaker and to the message. The second categories, the speaker factors, contain language ability of the speaker: native speaker-beginning level non-native speaker. Speakers production: pronunciation, accent, variation, voice affect, too. Speed of delivery and prestige and personality of the speaker count. The third category, factors in the material and medium, comprise difficulty of content and concept, especially if the material is abstract, abstruse, highly specialized or technical, len gthy or poorly organized. Acoustic environment such as noise and interference and amount of support provided by gestures, visuals also have influence on listening comprehension. Yagangs (1993) four aspects of factors Instead of three categories, Yagang (1993) proposed that the sources of listening difficulties came mainly from the four aspects: the message, the speaker, the listener, and the physical setting. The message factors comprised content and linguistic features. In content which is not well organized, listeners cannot predict what speakers are going to say. And if listening materials are made up of everyday conversation, they may contain a lot of colloquial expressions, such as guy for man. Students who have been exposed mainly to formal or bookish English may not be familiar with these expressions. The speaker factors consists of redundant utterances, such as repetitions, false starts, re-phrasings, self-corrections, elaborations, tautologies, apparently meaningless addition such as I mean or you know and speakers personal factors such as their accents. Learners tend to be used to their teaching accent or to the standard variety of British or American English. They find it hard to und erstand speakers with other accents. The listener factors played a more important role in EFL students listening. For example, foreign language students might be not familiar enough with clichà © and collocations in English to predict a missing word or phrase. For example, they can not be expected to know that rosy often collocates with cheeks. EFL students might be lack of sociocultural, factual, and contextual knowledge of the target language.  (Anderson and Lynch 1988).It can present an obstacle to comprehension because language is used to express its culture. Factors in physical setting included noise, both background noises on the recording and environmental noises, could carry the listeners mind of the content of the listening passage. Listening material on tape or radio lacks visual and aural environmental clues. Not seeing the speakers body language and facial expressions makes it more difficult for the listener to understand the speakers meaning. Unclear sounds resultin g from poor quality equipment can interfere with the listeners comprehension. Rubins (1994) five categories of factors Rubin (1994) classified these listening factors into five categories: text, interlocutor, task, listener and process characteristics. Text characteristics referred to acoustic-temporal variables, acoustic-other variables and morphological and syntactic modifications (including restatements). Acoustic-temporal variables are speech rate, pause phenomena, and hesitation. Acoustic-other variables are level of perception, stress and rhythmic patterning perception and L1 and L2 differences. Variables of morphological and syntactic modifications are redundancy, morphological complexity, word order and discourse markers. Text characteristics referred to text type. Visual support for texts is also an important variable. Interlocutor characteristics referred to variations in the speakers personal characteristics, such as gender, pronunciation, accent, expertness and so on. Listener characteristics are listeners language proficiency level, memory, attention, affect, age, gender, learning disabi lities in L1, and background knowledge as well as aptitude, processing skills, background biases, motivation, and confidence level. Process characteristics referred to how listeners interpret input in terms of what they know or identify what they dont know. Top-down, bottom-up and parallel processing is being examined in L2 contexts. Current views of listening comprehension propose that listeners actively process language input. Two types of processing have been discerned: cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Research on listening strategies includes: work on several languages; work contrasting strategy use at several proficiency levels; work with interactive or transactional listening; work with cognitive and metacognitive strategies; work considering the relation of strategy use to text, task, and setting. Chapter 3 Studies in listening difficulties of L2 listeners in foreign countries Tauroza and Allisons ( )studyspeech rate Griffiths suggests that different language have different normal rates and the rates defined in studies using English can not be applied exactly to studies of other languages. Most research quotes a normal speech rate of 165 to 180 words per minutes for native speakers of English. On the other hand, while Foulke reports a threshold (the rate at which comprehension begins to decrease rapidly) level between 250-275 w.p.m., others states that comprehension decreases as a function of mental aptitude and difficulty level. Tauroza and Allison compare normal speed of British speakers for four types of speech. They found that while the mean for radio and interview speech events lies within the range of 160 to 190 w.p.m., the means for conversation and lecture categories are outside this range. The mean rate for conversation in words per minute was 210, while for lectures, 140. They note further that thirty-three percent of their lecture data was slower than 130 w.p.m. and twenty-three percen t of the conversation data was faster than 220 w.p.m. The issue of normal speech rate is one that still needs a great deal more research that takes into account all of the variables mentioned above. (Rubin, 1994) Boyles (1984) study-factors most frequently mentioned in listening In Boyles (1984) study, 30 teachers and 60 students in Hong Kong were asked to list the six factors which they considered the most important in aiding or hampering the effectiveness of listening comprehension. It was interesting to know that the students gave much more importance to vocabulary than teachers did. It was surprising that the students mentioned two factors, memory and concentration, barely mentioned by the teachers. In addition, the students considered that there was a possible relationship between their reading habits and their listening comprehension, which was not mentioned by the teachers. On the other hand, the teacher seemed to specify the linguistic factors more sophisticatedly. The teacher would specify the factors as ability to pick up clues, complex syntactical structures, stress and intonation and interference from Chinese. On the contrary, the students just indicated that the lack of general language ability or the difficulties in English listening comprehens ion. Lynchs (1997) study-a case study of an intermediate-level learners progress Lynch (1997) conducted an ethnographic study of a Japanese student who attended English language courses at the Institute for Applied Language Studies, the only one taking an undergraduate course in economics at the University of Edinburgh. His scores on the listening tests were relatively low in comparison with his reading and grammar scores with the other students in class. A number of possible reasons were found to explain his difficulties in listening comprehension. First, he was the youngest member in his class so that he was unwilling to engage in negotiation with his seniors. Second, he was the only undergraduate student with an economic background in his English class so that he viewed himself as insufficient in some general background knowledge. Third, he joined Course 3 in the EAP program, skipping the basic class, Course 1 and 2. Therefore, he thought he needed more time to get used to negotiate with others in English. Fourth, his lowest listening score disappointed him gr eatly. The perceptions of the subject had made a substantial influence on his English learning. Gohs (2000) study-listening comprehension problems Goh (2000) investigated the comprehension problems of second language listeners in a cognitive perspective. She identified real-time listening difficulties faced by 40 Chinese undergraduates and examined their difficulties within the three-phase model of language comprehension proposed by Anderson. (1995). The data were collected from learners self-reports in their diaries, semi-structure interviews and immediate retrospective verbalizations. The data revealed 10 problems that occurred during the cognitive process phases of perception, parsing, and utilization. She also, made a comprehension between two groups, high ability listeners and low ability listeners. Each group consisted of eight students selected according to their grades in a post-instruction standardized proficiency test, the SLEP test of Educational Testing Service 1991. She found that listeners with highly ability and low ability both had a perception problem with recognizing words they knew. Another problem they both shared was parsing problem that they quickly forgot what they thought they had understood. In addition to these two problems, high ability listeners reported a utilization problem that they were often unable to extract the meaning out of the message even if they had understood all the words. On the other hand, low ability listeners reported another perception problem that they often did not hear the next part of a text because they spent too much time thinking about what they had just heard.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Cultural Identity Within Asian Writing Systems Essay -- Cultural Id
The Cultural Identity Within Asian Writing Systems The style of Asian writing seems to be completely different from that of the western writing systems. For starters, many western languages are phonetic: words are spelled out with symbols that represent sounds. The way that a word looks has nothing to do with the meaning of the word. On the other hand, the most recognized form of Asian writing, Chinese characters, are completely pictographic. A single character is correlated to one sound or meaning. To convey more complicated meanings, pictographs are either combined into new pictographs, or multiple characters are simply used in succession. The meaning of words is depicted through pictographs, but for the most part, there is no information about their pronunciations. Asian and western languages appear so different because they had evolved in isolation from each other for hundreds of years. However, the evolution of each group of languages is similar. Whether Asian or western, languages borrow from each other and evolve toge ther when they are in close quarters. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are perfect examples of languages that have evolved together because they are spoken in countries that are so close together. Their cultures are also arguably similar when compared to western cultures. All three have used Chinese characters exclusively as their writing system for a period of time and parts of the Korean and Japanese vocabularies are actually derived from Chinese. Up until a few hundred years ago, the three written languages have developed quite closely. But in the present day, the three systems appear to have taken very different evolutionary paths. The Korean language has developed a phonetic alphabet syste... Writing System. 20 July 2001. Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Katsiavriades, Kryss. KryssTal:Language Page. Amazon, Britannica. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Laugk. "Chinese hostages to their writing system: A case for simplification and reform." China Daily 7 Feb. 2004. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Noll, Paul. History of the Chinese Language. 25 Mar. 2004. 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Ohak-Yonku. "Formation of Korean Alphabet." Language-Research Sept. 1987: 527-537. "Types of Writing Systems." 20 Apr. 2004 <>. Usaburo, Shimizu. "Hiragana." Meiroku Zasshi 1800s.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Personality Theory Analysis Essay
In human nature, personality is explained in various ways depending on the environment an individual lives in. Personality is the traits and characteristics of an individual unique ways of expressing his or her feelings towards any situation in his or her social circle. The learning theory is explained as the process in which humans learn and how they adapt to permanent behavioral change in the environment. Humanistic and existential theories are the holistic approach to psychological health and human behavior toward meaning, values, personal experience, and self-actualization. The knowledge of both humanistic and existential and learning theories gives a board insight into human nature and personal reaction and growth in the external environment of one’s personality (University of Phoenix, 2013). The learning theory is examine how an individual’s reacts to his or her personal environment and the behavior conditions which one displays in his or her environment. B. F. Skinner theory of behaviorism explains how a person is held accountable for his or her actions with the illusion of self-control. Skinner argues the choice of free will or genetics shape the environmental factors of reinforced behaviors. He believed that people are a product of his or her environment. Skinner believed that positive reinforcements strengths an individual’s behaviors by providing a sense of consequences and rewards for the reinforcement (University of Phoenix, 2013). Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory redefines the assumption human functioning is a combination of genetics and influences from the environment. Bandura proposes humans are capable of self-efficacy from using his or her external and internal instincts. Bandura believed through personal strengths influences the way a person reacts to different situation that can affect a person’s behavior. Observation learning is proposed in Bandura’s theory. He believed that people learn from his or her environment when placed in various situations (University of Phoenix, 2013). Learning happens in a cause and effect relationship in the environment. The cause would be the reaction to a behavior in the environment and the effect would be the consequences an individual faces from the reaction to the situation in the environment. Individuals are placed in similar experiences to determine what the outcome will be in the situation. The individual becomes passive and simply react to the experience he or she is going through. Cognitive learning explains how a person’s rational thinking and behavior determines a person’s complex responds to a behavior from individual thought process (University of Phoenix, 2013). The humanistic approach is implemented when an individual has reached self-fulfillment or potential growth. The way a person reacts in situational behavior depends on the level of potential behavior one is capable to re sponding too. Maslow suggests the driving force in a person motivation and personality needs is called holistic dynamic theory. A person’s motivation is created from another need to another need in personal growth and self -actualization. Maslow believed a person needs are being met when he or she satisfy a lower need (University of Phoenix, 2013). Carl Rogers believed that humans evolved from a conscious mind through formal tendencies. Rogers agreed with Maslow that individuals motivated toward self-actualization of a person’s personal growth in his or her environment. Rogers’s person-centered theory focused on a person’s constructive and personal directions in his or her life. With self-awareness, a person is free to make choices and participate in his or her own personalities. He suggested that people focused on his or her current subjective understanding rather than the unconscious motive interpretation of the current situation. Rogers’s relationships encourage psychological growth within individuals (University of Phoenix, 2013). The existential theory explains that individuals are responsible for his or her own choices that he or she makes in a formal or informal decision. Rollo May believed that anxiety and informal decisions are the factors in human motivation. The anxieties come from an individual’s mental state of mind and are prone to avoid anxiety. May’s believed that individuals show move to his or her own destiny (University of Phoenix, 2013). The learning theory is an accumulation of learned behavior that will increased through a person’s life span. Individuals stem from situational behaviors to gain possible reinforcement and reward from the decisions he or she makes. Skinner believed the environment shaped a person’s personality from the environment he or she resides in. The environment influences a person’s character and traits to make decisions to gain personal rewards. The humanistic and existential theory moves toward fulfillment and the realization of an individual growth for his or her needs (University of Phoenix, 2013). Rollo May believed a person have to maintain a healthy relationship with others, but in the end will be alone. Abraham Maslow insists through self-actualization a person will gain the feelings of others, but will not rely on others for self-esteem or personal gain. Rogers believed through a caregiver responds to promote psychological growth in a child. Humanism emphasized on the interpersonal relationship that is essential to personal development in a person’s personality. In interpersonal relationship, a personal will have confidence in social gatherings he or she holds close to them. Bandura proposed an individual learning comes from observation learning from a person’s observation in making a critical or informal decision (University of Phoenix, 2013). From the learning perspective side, people associate with others to receive reinforcement or rewards from social interactions. People continue to form associations with others to reinforce a particular behavior from ot hers around them. People make inform judgments in protecting his or her environment from natural forces or people trying to inflict personal harm towards them. When reinforcement is not applied, people will maintain a healthy relationship through personal association to gain reinforcement. People learn from his or her environment and if is placed into a different environment, then the individual will have to adjustment in a new situation. By taking a person what of his or her comfort zone, the individual will able to adapt of different environment needs and make decision accordingly. The theory relates more to nature verses nurture when an individual needs are being met for personal growth and development in his or her new surrounding environment (University of Phoenix, 2013). The existential theory concentrated on the free will of an individual to make any decision he or she chooses. The theory drives on the sense of well-being and to be in the world to maintain a healthy psychological growth. If a p erson decides to on making bad choices, he or she will have to answer to them. The choices a person makes show his or her character and personality traits of how to make an inform decision. He or she wants let any other person cloud his or her decision-making and will rely on his or her own judgment. The results can be either constructive or deconstructive role in the decision making process (University of Phoenix, 2013). Social constructivism is defined as behavior or knowledge constructed from person’s behavior based on new ideas a person gain from past and present knowledge or experiences. Bandura believed a person learns from experience and through observation personal growth and development was shorten. The beliefs are essential component of personal development that depends on the social environment others within another’s environment. The genetic factors contributed to the social influences by others in constructing his or her own personality in significant individuals. The action did not encourage the behavior, but changed the events of the behavior. The social relationship changes the perspective of one’s view within another’s environment and emotional state of mind. The personal development will be what the individual gain from his or her learning experiences (University of Phoenix, 2013). Maslow laid the foundation in understanding the characteristics of a healthy and normal person. His theory of self-actualization gave the perception of reality, straightforwardness, and genuine characteristics of an individual’s personality traits. Many individuals have the need for solitude and independence to appreciate the ordinary things in life. People need to indulge in social interests, seek social experiences, maintain a few interpersonal relationships, and have an idealistic sense of humor to properly functions in today society (University of Phoenix, 2013). Learning theories is the human learning that is results from behavior and personality in an individual’s environment with internal considerations. Humanistic and existential theory is the tendency for internal drive of self- predetermination. The behavior viewed as a movement toward actualization and situational behavior as reinforce or reward. The aspect of interpersonal growth with each theory discussed. The perspectives affect by situational behavior in distant characterizations of human nature. The personal development of an individual when placed in a social setting and the decision- making he or she encounter in his or her environment. The diversity of reasoning related to thought and understanding of human nature from a psychological point of view. References Colman, A. M. (Ed.). (2010). Humanistic psychology. In Oxford Reference Online. Retrieved March 7, 2015, from McLeod, S. (2007). Carl Rogers. Simply Pychology. Retrieved March 7, 2015 from University of Phoenix. (2013). Theories of Personality. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, PSY405 website.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou
Title Question #2 Analyze Society creates the thought of what makes an ideal woman; however, Maya Angelou shows us what truly makes a true Woman in her poem, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman.†The word, â€Å"Phenomenal†is defined as something that is magnificent, remarkable, breathtaking, as well as extraordinary. This poem shows one the confidence and beauty from within, instead of the conventional views that society tend to have, which is to only focus on the appearance. She takes us to acknowledge womanhood. One is able to appreciate the poem even further, by analyzing many of the poetry elements that Maya Angelou illustrates, such as imagery, tone, and diction. Tone helps sets the attitude of a poem that a poet is trying to portray on a specific subject (Kriszner et al. 245). The tone of this poem is celebratory, proud and confident. Just by looking at the title, this gives one a hint what poem may bring and what kind of tone might be expected. When one hears the word phenomenal one instantly think of something eye catching and unique. This word is a positive word, rather than a negative word like horrid. On stanza three, â€Å"the grace of my style,†the attitude of the speaker is competent. The speaker is confident by the way she dresses, walks, and talks. She is confident on the way she responds and does her way of things, and sees it as a form of elegance and beauty. The self-assurance and boldness attitude is greatly shown, â€Å"I’m a woman/Phenomenally/ Phenomenal woman/That’s me†Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou2030 Words  | 9 PagesSummary of Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Stanza 1: â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†begins with a attack on stereotypes. She proudly declares that she neither has a hourglass figure, nor a cute face. Her success without essential feminine traits surprises pretty women and they often want to know the secret of her success. She describes her secret saying that it comes from her confidence, the way she stretches her arms, the way she walks, the rhythm of her hips and also the way she smiles. Her entire body isRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou1353 Words  | 6 PagesIn the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†written by Maya Angelou, the poem is strong, it is about womanhood, the strength not the weakness that describes Maya Angelou. Although Maya Angelou is describing herself, she is in fact describing all women and is therefore a poem of feminism and the feminist perspective. The structure of this poem is loosely arranged into four stanzas. The idea of this poem is that physical beauty is not wh at makes a woman phenomenal but the way she has confidence in herself and herRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Phenomenal Woman By Maya Angelou925 Words  | 4 PagesMaya Angelou, writer of, â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†illustrates that woman are as strong, determined, and beautiful just the way they are. We were built to fulfill the same roles as men and be able to achieve in anything what we set our minds to. We as woman should never let any man or significant other define us for who we are and the roles we play as young woman in the US. With this intention, women are born into the world and are taught to grow up to become a young, wise, and vibrant figure. Angelou’sRead MorePhenomenal Woman Essays1223 Words  | 5 Pages Maya Angelou is best known for addressing the world through the medium of her own life. Her works are a reflection of the social issues that were prevalent in the second half of the 20th century. â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou celebrates femininity and highlights the traits necessary for a woman to become ‘phenomenal.’ She believes that it is not the outer beauty of a person but the inner one which makes each woman phenomenal. She criticizes the biased societal expression that expects womenRead MoreMaya Angelou: Speak Up Essay example1127 Words  | 5 PagesMaya Angelou experienced a life-changing event at the vulnerable age of eight: her mother’s boyfriend raped her. As a result, she chose to be mute for five years due to the emotional trauma this caused. Soon, a family friend named Mrs. Flowers, a wealthy and intellectual woman from Stamps, Arkansas where her grandmother resided, read with Angelou and helped Maya to express herself through writing. Mrs. Flowers taught Maya â€Å"words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voiceRead MoreEssay about Poetry: Emotions in Words 1027 Words  | 5 Pagesof expression and emotions through words. It encompasses the writer’s mood and point of view about a certain idea. Two poems that demonstrate the use of emotions in words are â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelou, and â€Å"A Dream within a Dream†, by Edgar Allan Poe. Both of these poets are very important in the literary field even though their ways of writing contrast each other. Angelou is a revolutionist who is known around the world for her astounding stories of racism, family, and overcoming adversityRead MoreAnalysis Of Maya Angelou s Caged Bird 1835 Words  | 8 Pagesthe famous African American people. Growing up with my grandparents, I always heard a lot about the loving Dr. Maya Angelou. She was a tremendous figure in their lives and a phenomenal woman. One day my family was sitting outside, and my mom was reading a book with a lot of famous poems. The one she read aloud was Maya Angelou’s poem â€Å"Caged Bird.†She was so emotional reading this poem. During that time, I did not understand her emotions. At my high school, we would always celebrate black historyRead MoreMaya Angelo - Phenomenal Woman766 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ â€Å"Phenomenal Women†By Maya Angelo – Analysis In the poem â€Å"Phenomenal Woman†by Maya Angelo expresses many viewpoints on the topic of women. She describes the many attributes of women throughout the poem. Many think that a slim and trim body or pretty faces are the many features of a true woman. But Angelo explains the small insignificant features of a woman that people or society never mention. She believes and convinces the reader that these are the marks of a woman. The poems central idea
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